Teacher Spotlight: Paula Thompson

By: Emily Ader-Hold

With a Ph.D. in Theatre History and Theory, a seed no doubt inspired by her high school theatre teacher, Paula Thompson understands the arc of a story. When asked what brings her joy working with gifted children, Dr. Thompson remarked on student transformation — the arc of their stories — as being the most rewarding aspect of teaching. Dr. Thompson distinguishes teaching subject matter from teaching students when she says that the “way they change from the beginning of the courses to the end,” is the most satisfying aspect of her teaching career.

A native of Southwest Missouri, Dr. Thompson arrived at WINGS in 1999 per Sara Lampe’s insistence. Thinking she would hold the position a few years before returning to university work, Dr. Thompson was compelled by the challenge of meeting gifted children’s needs. She is an advocate for the needs of gifted children, bringing awareness to the complexity, struggles, and needs of giftedness.

Dr. Thompson received a B.S. in Education from Missouri State University.  Later teaching theatre history and theory while working on her M.A. at Purdue University. Her doctoral work was completed at Louisiana State University. Dr. Thompson has served on the board of directors for theatre and communication at Odessa College and Ashland University.

Dr. Thompson currently teaches 8th grade humanities and philosophy in the Scholar’s program. Her favorite hobby is reading. Her cats, Molly and Gracie, occupy their time chasing balls and sleeping.