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Expert-lead webinars available for parents

Expert-lead webinars available for parents

Perspective and Review By L. Hadi In October 2017, we were so fortunate to have a nationally renowned psychologist, Dr. James Webb, as our PAGE sponsored presenter at the GAM Conference. Dr. Webb established SENG, an organization dedicated to Supporting the Emotional...

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Why Our Son Needed a 504 Plan

Why Our Son Needed a 504 Plan

By Michelle Cramer When our son, now nine years old, was diagnosed with “Generalized Anxiety Disorder” in October 2015, I was set on silently getting him help. I didn’t want him to be labeled. I didn’t want people (teachers) to see that on a chart somewhere and have...

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Teacher Spotlight: Gina Wyckoff

Teacher Spotlight: Gina Wyckoff

by Sheila Roark Wright Sheila Roark Wright is the parent of a 7th grade student in the gifted program.  Mrs. Wright is grateful that her daughter has the opportunity to study with the amazing teachers in the gifted education program. Trying to describe the many...

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GAM conference 2017 reflections

By Leigh Bills I was excited to attend my first Gifted Association of Missouri conference in late October. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but I was really hoping to pick up some parenting tactics that would bring fresh energy to raise my gifted child. What I...

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5th grader travels to China (part 2)

5th grader travels to China (part 2)

My China Summer Experience Summary By Naomi Meng  My summer in China went by so fast. It seemed to have just started when we were aware that it was about the time to return to Springfield. Different from other summers we spent in China, this time, our summer vacation...

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Athens: “Wake Up!”

Athens: “Wake Up!”

It's hard to pinpoint exactly what makes travelling abroad such an eye-opening experience. Undoubtedly, some of the world's cities are so magnificent in scope or detail as to make a lifelong impression on anyone who visits them. Some places stand tall as a symbol of...

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Springfield, MO 65806